"Dolomiti Triple" captivates with its multilayered structure, which consists of light beige as well as dark gray and brown tones. The granite processed in the STEINBILD "Dolomiti Triple" was formed about 220 million years ago, at the time when the North Atlantic, the Dolomites and the Himalayan Mountains were formed.

History of origins

Each STEINBILD tells the probably oldest story in the world - our earth history


The supercontinent Pangäa began to break up, creating the North Atlantic, the Dolimites and the Himalayan Mountains.


At this time, the first ancestors of flowering plants developed. The climatic differences between the north and the south created different plant worlds. This led to the development of the first dry plants in the desert regions. At the same time, the first bare-seeded plants (conifers) became established. Animals of the Tethys advance to the west and the first water shield crustaceans and dinosaurs develop further.

220 million years

Rock age



Type of rock



Main constituent

Made in Germany

Developed and completed in Germany

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