Straightforward Self-Installation of STEINBILDER

With a little bit of craftsmanship and a helping hand, you can easily mount your STEINBILD on the wall.

Each artwork comes with an integrated mounting system that allows for optimal three-dimensional adjustability and effortless installation. The mounting system includes wall profile rails that ensure a secure and precise attachment of the STEINBILD.

Step-by-Step Self-Installation Guide

The Preparations

Your STEINBILD will be delivered with all the necessary accessories, including spacers and a mounting rail. In addition, it is recommended to have another person assist you during the installation process. Make sure to gather the following tools before starting:

  • Cordless drill / screwdriver (with a crosshead bit)
  • Spirit level
  • Pencil
  • Measuring tape
  • Drill
  • Screws and wall plugs

Step 1

When selecting the appropriate screws and wall plugs, consider the weight of your STEINBILD and the condition of the wall. Place your STEINBILD face down on a soft surface and screw the spacers into the designated threads (as shown in the image).

Step 2

Next, position the mounting rail(s) appropriately in the hanging system. Then, measure the distance between the outer holes on the mounting rail and make a note of the measurements.

Step 3

Choose the desired position for your STEINBILD, preferably with the assistance of another person. Use a spirit level to ensure a straight alignment and mark the spots for drilling.

We recommend double-checking the markings by placing the mounting rail over the designated spots. This will ensure accurate positioning before drilling.

Step 4

Now, drill holes at the marked spots and insert the wall plugs. Then, use a screwdriver or cordless drill to screw the mounting rails onto the wall.

Step 5

Enlist the assistance of another person and hang your STEINBILD onto the rail. If the artwork is not perfectly level, you can adjust it by loosening or tightening the screws above the hanging system. And that's it! You're done!

You are unsure how to mount your STEINBILD? 

We are happy to help you!